
Posted by – 2011/04/16

spreadsheet image I’m a list-maker at heart. I’m also a geek who likes to play with tools and software. So, from the beginning of this project, I new I’d be building some sort of database/tracking mechanism to keep tabs on how I’m doing and what I’m doing.
I’m starting simple though. I’ve put together a really basic google-spreadsheet to keep track of each monetary donation I make. I’m making note of the amount, the name of the donee, a link to the donation page (if available) and general notes (when necessary).
I’m certain I’ll quickly grow out of this format, but for now it works well. I’ve also pre-populated a date column with every Friday for the next year. I’m hoping this will continue to encourage me to plan ahead.
I’m also using this spreadsheet as a backlog. In the donee column I’m just stacking up names of places/people I want to help. It’s exciting how quickly the list is filling.

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